This classic 10-day kitcheri cleanse is easy to do and feels wonderful at any time of year, but especially in the fall, when we — like the animals — often find ourselves craving warming, grounding, filling foods that move “down and into” our guts. Even just the ritual of preparing this beautiful orange, brown, and golden ayurvedic stew feels like a feast for the senses, one reminiscent of the changing leaves and colors that are so abundant at this time of year. This is a great cleanse for anyone who has never cleansed before, who is vegetarian but not strictly vegan (we will be eating a little ghee), and/or who wants to cleanse without triggering any restrictive or binge-eating patterns. This is a gentle ayurvedic full-body reset, during which we will be eating abundantly and at regular intervals, without any actual fasting. Includes two kitcheri-making parties (live and in-person or on ZOOM) and a daily morning beginners’ Ashtanga yoga practice on ZOOM.
Dates and Eventbrite Tickets Coming Soon.