Three Weeks to Feeling Better – An Online Introduction to the MELT Method

On Demand Video Course – $33

Online Course, Six (6) Pre-recorded, easy-to-access videos that guide you through ALL of the beginners’ MELT hand, foot, and face techniques.

If you would like to sleep better, have better balance, reverse or eliminate chronic pain, and even reduce the visible signs of aging, then you’re in the right place. The MELT (Myofascial Energetic Length Technique) can help with all of these issue and more. And in just three weeks, you can begin to see results, just by learning the beginners’ treatments offered in this three-week online class.

The six (6) video lessons in this course teach you how to do all of the beginners’ MELT hand, foot, and face treatments. Lifetime access. Many devoted MELTers find that these treatments prevent and/or reverse conditions such as arthritis, neuropathy, Dupuytrens contracture, plantar fascitis, bunions, migraines, TMJ, and even facial fine lines and wrinkles. In them, you will learn not only the basics of why it is important to take care of your body’s connective tissue (it makes up 80% of your body’s structure, for one thing!) but also how to do it.

In just 5-10 minutes a day, 2-3 days a week, you can begin to see the benefits.

The best part is, ANYONE can benefit from learning to do the MELT Method. Whether you are a professional athlete, musician, or dancer who wants to perform at their best and have a long healthy career or someone dealing with chronic conditions such as arthtritis, migraines, and plantar fascitis, the MELT Method can help you feel your best. Even kids can do the MELT Method.

What is included in the Three Weeks to Feeling Better online class?

– One (1) MELT Large Soft Treatment Ball

– Online Access Code for ALL SIX (6) MELT Introductory Video Lessons:

Week One, Lessons 1 and 2:
An Introduction to The MELT Method and The Soft Ball Hand Treatments

Week Two, Lessons 3 and 4:
The Soft Ball Foot Treatments

Week Three, Lessons 5 and 6
The MELT Face Treatments, aka The MELT “Five Minute Facelift”

6 Weeks to Feeling Better - On Demand Series
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